Sleep Dentistry in San Francisco

San Francisco Dental Wellness provides sleep medicine, including sleep apnea and snoring treatment in San Francisco, CA. Call 415-781-1944 to learn more and schedule an appointment.
Benefits of Sleep Medicine
Improved Health
Treating sleep apnea and snoring will improve your overall health and help you be more present and active in your life.
Better Sleep
If you never wake up feeling well-rested and you normally feel tired throughout the day, sleep medicine can help you finally get a good night’s sleep.
Are You a Good Candidate for Sleep Medicine?
You are a good candidate for sleep medicine if you snore or have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Why Choose San Francisco Dental Wellness?
Recently Board certified by the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, Dr. Chris Chui is an expert leader in the field of Dental Sleep Medicine. Dr. Chui is one of a select number of dentists who are double Boarded in Dental Sleep Medicine with the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine and the American Sleep and Breathing Academy. Additionally, Dr. Chui has been certified by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine as a Qualified Dentist to treat patients with Sleep Apnea.
By providing current patients a complimentary home sleep study test, Dr. Chui can help diagnose and treat patients with OSA and other breathing disorders. Dr. Chui will be able to monitor a patient’s sleep patterns with an easy to use, home sleep study test that does not require any invasive sensors or other devices that may interfere with your sleep.
Snoring Therapy
What is Snoring?
Caused by a narrowing or blocking of the airway, snoring disrupts the airflow and causes the soft palate and tissues of the throat to vibrate. The uvula vibrates during inhalation and creates the snore sound. The narrower the airway becomes, the louder the snoring.
Do You Snore?
- Do you experience restless sleep?
- Do you wake up tired?
- Do you have difficulty concentrating?
- Do you have frequent headaches in the morning?
- Do you wake up with a sore throat?
- Does your partner tell you that you snore?
If you answered yes, snoring may be impacting your overall health.Some common causes of snoring include:
- Inflammation of the tissues in the mouth nose or throat (including tonsils)
- Blocked nasal passages (often caused by a cold or allergies)
- Lack of muscle tone (due to aging or poor fitness levels)
- Obesity, causing the airway to narrow due to fat
- Medicines that cause relaxation
How to Stop Snoring
Snoring can often be treated by wearing an oral appliance that maintains an open, unobstructed airway in the throat while you sleep.
Learn More About Snoring Therapy
Snoring is a not a common symptom of Sleep Apnea.
Snoring is often, but not always, a symptom of sleep apnea. If you or your loved one snores, you should schedule a home sleep study to see how your sleep can be improved!
Seeking treatment for disrupted sleep can improve your overall health and wellbeing.
Ttreatments such as oral appliance therapy can significantly improve the quality of your sleep, which then improves your mood and overall health. Talk to Dr. Chui about how he can help!
Sleep Apnea Treatment
What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is an ongoing disorder in which a patient experiences one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep. The sleep disruption caused by sleep apnea can negatively impact your quality of sleep, leaving you tired and irritable.
Could Sleep Apnea be Disrupting Your Sleep?
- Do you wake up with a dry mouth?
- Do you wake up gasping for air?
- Do you suffer from excessive sleepiness during the day?
- Are you irritable?
- Do you have frequent morning headaches?
- Does your partner tell you that you snore loudly?
- Does your partner report that you stop breathing while you sleep?
If you answered yes, you may be experiencing sleep apnea.TREATING MILD SLEEP APNEA
Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) can often be an effective treatment for patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. Many patients suffering from sleep apnea can find relief using a custom removable oral appliance that adjusts the position of the lower jaw and tongue to minimize airway obstruction.
Learn More About Sleep Apnea Treatment
ProSomnus Micro 2
At San Francisco Dental Wellness, we offer the ProSomnus Micro 2 oral appliance as a solution for snoring and sleep apnea.
Advantages of
ProSomnus Micro 2
- Designed by leading experts in the field of Dental Sleep Medicine
- Treats sleep disorders by positioning the jaw in the most optimal position
- Created as a single piece with no moving parts
- Provides more tongue space than other appliances
- Shaped from material that is thinner and stronger but less bulk and volume
- Easier to clean and made of a clear material that is more attractive
What are the warning signs of sleep apnea?
Feeling tired throughout the day, loud snoring during sleep, waking up gasping for air, morning headaches or sore throats, difficulties concentrating, and mood disorders are all warning signs of sleep apnea. Others may notice that you stop breathing in your sleep.
What happens if sleep apnea is left untreated?
Your body requires restorative sleep every night; if you don't get it, your risk of serious health problems increases, including stroke, heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, and anxiety.
Is there a way to treat sleep apnea without a CPAP?
Yes, there are options for treating sleep apnea without a CPAP machine. Although lifestyle modifications like losing weight are often helpful, they can take a long time to produce results. In many patients, oral appliance therapy can alleviate OSA symptoms right away.
Can I test myself for sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea must be diagnosed by a sleep medicine specialist, but testing can be done at home with an at-home sleep monitor rather than a sleep lab. After your testing, your doctor will analyze the results and give you a diagnosis.
Call 415-781-1944 to learn more and schedule an appointment.