How Do You Treat TMJ and Can You Cure it Permanently

How Do You Treat TMJ and Can You Cure it Permanently?


TMJ is short for the temporomandibular joint, the joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull. 

Many people will face disorders of the TMJ that range in degree of severity. But, while the symptoms may be fairly similar, their root cause can vary. 

Working with a highly experienced dental specialist can be the best way to treat and cure your TMJ pain. 

This article explores TMJ disorders, the treatments available, and their ability to be cured. 

What is TMJ Disorder? 

A TMJ disorder is any one of many conditions that lead to pain and dysfunction in this major joint, as well as the surrounding muscles and teeth. Getting to the root cause of your pain should be the goal for finding the proper relief. 

So, how do you know if you have a TMJ disorder? A few of the most common signs include:

  • Pain in the area of the jaw
  • Pain in your jaw or around your ear
  • Pain while chewing — or finding it difficult to chew
  • Clicking or popping noises when opening/closing your mouth
  • Headaches, earaches, toothaches
  • A locked joint, making it difficult to open or close the jaw
  • Pain in the neck or shoulder

Sometimes the pain associated with TMJ disorders can come and go or vary in intensity. 

Treatments for TMJ Disorder

The dysfunction can begin when the teeth, joints, and muscles are out of alignment. Working with a TMJ specialist is the best way to ensure that the jaw can comfortably relax and symptoms can dissipate.  

A couple of the most common treatment options include TENS and MLS laser therapy. Let’s take a closer look at each. 

TENS is short for Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation. It is a device that uses low-voltage electrical current to get through the soft tissue to relax the muscle. This can often provide chronic TMJ disorder sufferers with the relief they need. 

A multi-wave locked system laser, or MLS laser for short, is a type of painless and minimally invasive therapy that helps to reduce inflammation, pain, and damage to the muscles and joints. This treatment involves two lasers with different wavelengths being used at the same time on the impacted area. One reduces swelling and inflammation while the other reaches more deeply to calm the nerves. Together, they provide pain relief. 

Finding the right solution is key if you want long-lasting relief from your TMJ pain. 

Can TMJ Disorders Be Cured? 

Whether or not TMJ disorders can be cured will depend greatly on their cause. For instance, dysfunction caused by arthritis isn’t always easily cured since it is a degenerative disease, but the pain can be managed. 

On the other hand, TMJ disorders that stem from things like a misaligned jaw or bruxism can be treated — and may no longer give you issues. 

Again, work with your dental specialist to find the right treatment for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can TMJ disorders be treated at home?

For mild TMJ pain, there are a few things you can do at home to get relief, such as using a warm compress, eating soft foods, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers. Without treating the condition, it is likely to return. 

Will TMJ go away on its own? 

It may disappear temporarily, but it will not often disappear permanently without professional treatment. 

TMJ Treatment in San Francisco

If you are searching for TMJ treatment, you must seek out the dental specialist who will give you the greatest results. That is exactly what you will find at San Francisco Dental Wellness

As the clinical director at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, Dr. Chui provides effective treatment to veterans suffering from complex TMJ disorders — so you know you are always in good hands.

Contact us at 415-781-1944 to request an appointment.